
Surrealists are on to something. They can put aside their rational mind temporarily to create something imaginative and powerful. The canvas would be just a mirror for what emerged out of that process.

We experience similar surreal moments that sometimes stretch into a process, like doodling during a boring meeting or looking out the window and imagining building the “Death Star” with Vader.

We keep forgetting that daydreaming gives us a direct access to our creative mind. We conclude that we must have drifted apart or we don’t feel like working. While in fact we’re in the middle of working and about to arrive to an epiphany that solves a problem for us. If we just continue this daydream for a few more minutes.

I had the pleasure of speaking with my friend Ismet (Izzy) Mamnoon who is a successful teacher coach and an amazing organization facilitator with projects around the globe. Her unique point of view is letting daydream be part of her process to feed into her creative thoughts. I talked with her and a bunch of other intrapreneurs on what makes their process unique and created The Creative Senses Challenge. Join the others and get inspired on finding ways to engage your full senses at work.  

Here’s a snippet of our conversation on my linkedin page.